Dolce Violins

Essential cello accessories every cellist should have – Dolce Violins

There are some items that we love here at Dolce Violins but, we don’t have the space to keep everything here in our small shop. So we occasionally make recommendations to our customers to purchase the item on Below is a short list of cello and bass stands we recommend.

Why get a cello stand?
It is human nature to resist doing things that take effort! Even though you have decided to start playing the cello and have gotten all excited about starting your musical experience. You may have found yourself looking at your cello in its case and saying to yourself… “hmmm I just don’t feel like practicing right now”.
Well it has been proven that having your instrument out of its case and ready to play will make it easier to get over the initial resistance to starting.

Ingles Cello Stand

Cello Stand Wood

Another very important item every cellist needs is a good cello chair. We recommend the Adjustrite cello chair.