Dolce Violins

violinist bowing up close

How To Buy A Violin Bow – 4 important factors to consider


Many beginning and intermediate violin students underestimate the importance of the violin bow they choose. It is the key to unlocking the potential of your violin, and so it is vital to choose with care. If you have already done a little bit of digging online, you will see that choices differ in terms of balance, weight, stiffness, age, and materials. So, with that in mind, we will look at how to select the best violin bow for you.

The sound

A good place to begin is with the sound that the violin bow creates. Look for a bow that will create both a broad and a smooth sound. At the same time, you will want something that has a quick response and a focused clarity in the sound. Remember each bow will produce a slightly different sound. If you are unsure, ask the shop owner for some advice on the sounds produced by the bows they have for sale.

Materials used

As mentioned earlier, there are several different materials used to make violin bows. Three of the most basic materials used include carbon fiber, Pernambuco, and brazilwood. For those who are unaware, brazilwood is a generic name that is given to various tropical hardwoods that are utilized to create low-cost wood bows. Pernambuco has long been considered the premium choice of material when it comes to violin bows. This is due to the responsiveness, elasticity, and strength, making it the perfect choice for bow makers.


Ensure that you consider the responsiveness and stiffness of the bow.. If the bow is weak, you will end up hitting the strings with the stick if you apply a lot of pressure. Bouncing bow strokes such as Spiccato and Sautille will also be difficult to perform. On the flip side, if the bow is too stiff, you may get a one-dimensional and surface tone, lacking nuance.


Finally, balance is critical when you are looking for a violin bow. You need to try out how the bow feels before purchasing. The balance point will dictate how the bow feels. Therefore, it really is a personal choice and about figuring out what feels right and works for you.

Octagonal or Round

Is the bow octagonal or round? There are those who believe an octagonal stick is going to be stiffer. In our experience some octagonal bows are may be stiffer and some are softer, it is the individual piece of wood used to make the bow that makes the most difference on this matter.

We hope this brief guide has provided some insight into the different factors you need to consider when you are looking for a violin bow. We hope that this information will help guide you in the process. The staff at Dolce Violins is available to consult with you on your bow decision. We are available in store, and we ship bows in the US and Canada. Contact us to set up a consultation.

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