The More You Know about the cost of a cello, the Better Your Purchasing Decisions
Whether you’re just starting out or are seeking a higher-quality cello to take your playing to a new level, it’s essential that you have the right tools to make an informed decision when selecting your next instrument. Dolce Violins is fully engaged with students and teachers in the community and we’re committed to making this process as pleasant and fulfilling as possible.
Generally, the cost of a cello can range from as low as $1,000 to well beyond $20,000. The big question is what information do you need to know in order to find the best cello for your budget and level of musicianship?
There are three main questions that cello makers and cello shops use to determine cello prices:
- Who made the cello?
- Where was the cello made?
- What is the cello’s condition and quality?
We’ll explore these questions for five different price points: cheap beginner cellos, good beginner cellos, intermediate cellos, advanced cellos and antique cellos. When you understand the components of a cello’s price, it’s much easier to determine the right instrument for your level of musicianship!
Cheap Beginner Cellos: $400 – $1,000
Who made the cello? Cellos in this price range are manufactured by the thousands by machine with little attention to quality.
Where was the cello made? Usually in factories based in China.
What is the cello’s condition and quality? These cellos are constructed from green wood, which has not been properly aged and, in cases where a synthetic, sprayed-on lacquer has been applied, the potential for trouble is quite high. Often, these instruments are known to literally come apart at the seams and develop cracks as the wood dries out. The neck could even fall off! Because they are mass-produced, these cellos often have thin, shrill tones and, if lacking a proper setup, they are often much harder for a beginner to play.
ALERT: Be sure to NEVER buy a cello on eBay or Amazon and always consult with your teacher first. We’ve seen some dreadful instruments come our way from these sources and the process has been painful for those unsuspecting students (and their parents).
As discouraging as this may sound, there is some good news! If your budget can only accommodate a cello in this price range, many cello shops offer a rent-to-own program, enabling a beginning student on a budget to obtain a cello that is properly set up and maintained for optimal playability and protection from any unanticipated issues.
NOTE: If a student is a petite child, you could consider a fractional cello, which also costs less than a full-size cello. To determine the right cello size, you need to consider the player’s arm length in comparison to the neck of the cello. If you’re not sure whether you need a full-size or fractional cello, make an appointment with Dolce Violins for a free sizing assessment, available in person or over Zoom.
Keep in mind that fractional cellos are usually not intended to be long-term instruments; instead, they are usually traded in as a child grows.
Good Beginner Cellos: $1,350 – $2,800
Who made the cello? Cellos in this price point are hand-made by modern craftsmen.
Where was the cello made? Most of these instruments come from reputable workshops in China.
What is the cello’s condition and quality? These cellos are made with tonewoods that have been aged for a minimum of 10 years. They are hand-carved with solid spruce tops, lightly flamed maple backs, sides and neck, and a hand-applied spirit varnish. These instruments have a more pleasing tone than cellos costing less than $1,000. For a great beginner cello, we recommend the Rosalia Cello from J and J Stringed Instruments.
Intermediate Student Cellos: $3,500 – $6,500
Who made the cello? These cellos are hand-made by modern, respected craftsmen.
Where was the cello made? Most of the cellos in this price range are made by the best workshops in China and Romania. These workshops emulate the cello-making traditions of Mirecourt, France and Markneukirchen, Germany.
What is the cello’s condition and quality? These instruments are made using higher-quality tonewoods that have been aged up to ten years or more. At the higher end of this price range, you can expect a top made of European spruce with a highly flamed maple back, neck and sides. These cellos typically produce rounder tones with greater nuance and color.
For a great intermediate student cello, we recommend the Eastman 501 Cello and the Eastman Ivan Dunov Cello.
Advanced Student Cellos: $6,000 – $12,000
Who made the cello? These cellos are typically hand-made by craftsmen from the early twentieth century. The cello’s cost reflects its European heritage and antique status.
Where was the cello made? In this price range, one is likely to find both modern cellos from China, Romania and Poland, and antique cellos from France, Germany and Czechoslovakia.
What is the cello’s condition and quality? If you are planning to purchase an antique cello, keep in mind that age endows these instruments with a uniquely beautiful tone quality; however, be sure to avoid antique instruments with cracks or overworn varnish.
These instruments are perfect for an advanced cello student playing in a youth orchestra or an adult playing chamber music with friends. Playing a cello over 100 years old has a perceptibly different quality vs. a new cello. For example, we expect a quality vintage cello from Europe to produce a mellow, round sound and an expressive range. When you make music on an instrument that has been played by many people over its lifetime, you also become part of its long history.
At Dolce Violins, we have considerable experience with cellos in this category. To ensure that our antique cellos can retain their full potential, we carefully inspect every instrument and make adjustments where necessary.
- Intermediate Cellos
A German Cello labeled Heinrich Shiller Cello – Hamburg 1947
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Antique Cellos from Master Makers and Their Apprentices: $12,500 – $20,000
Who made the cello? These cellos come from well-known luthiers and are made with high-quality craftsmanship. Some famous names included in this category are Ernst Heinrich Roth, Meinel, Neuner and Hornsteiner, George Aparut, Leon Mougenot, Didier Nicolas, Paul Blanchard, H. Derazey and many more.
Where was the cello made? Most of the instruments in this price range are from respected French and German workshops.
What is the cello’s condition and quality? These cellos represent an affordable combination of age, craftsmanship and tone quality for a serious college student or a non-professional adult. Alternatively, a cello in this tier can serve as a second instrument for a professional cellist. Cellos in this range speak quickly and respond well in all dynamic ranges. One should be able to play high up the fingerboard on all strings and make a pleasing sound.
Now that you have explored the different price ranges (below professional) for cellos, you have to ask yourself one final question before you purchase your instrument:
Who is Selling the Cello?
There is a big difference between purchasing your cello secondhand off eBay, ordering a factory-made model from Amazon and buying from your local cello shop. As our years of experience have taught us, cheaper instruments usually possess lesser quality, playability and durability. Thus, while you’re likely to find a cheaper cello online, you assume a much higher amount of risk with that purchase.
The importance of working with a cello shop cannot be understated; only a qualified luthier can set up your cello properly. At Dolce Violins, our on-staff luthiers go over each instrument to perfect the setup and, in the case of antique cellos, perform any necessary repairs. Furthermore, shop owner Moses Sedler also inspects and play-tests each instrument before it is sold.
There is a cello for every player and budget. When you are purchasing an instrument, be sure to carefully review its pedigree and condition, but remember, the sound is the most important consideration.
All of us at Dolce Violins are here to help you find your perfect cello at the perfect price. Contact us at 415.453.1517 or for assistance.