Dolce Violins


Roland Feller Violin Maker

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Roland Feller

Dolce Violins is honored to present the fine instrument and bow collection of Roland Feller. View the collection.

A graduate of the prestigious State Violin making School in Mittenwald, Germany, Roland Feller has been providing high-quality string instruments and restorations to the Bay Area since 1977. Feller discovered his passion for lutherie at a young age. He grew up playing cello, and when he was 12, his father took him to buy his first full-size instrument. When Feller saw the luthier carving a cello bridge, his fate was sealed.

After completing his schooling in Germany, Feller came home to the United States to work at New York’s famed Rembert Wurlitzer Co. There, he collaborated with restorer Simone Fernando Sacconi, who would teach him the 18th century Cremonese techniques of Stradivari and Guarneri when the shop was closed.

Feller opened his first Bay Area workshop in 1977, but most of his customers know him for his shop on San Francisco’s Divisadero Street, Roland Feller Violin Makers. Feller caters to players of all skill levels, from beginners to professionals, and he is particularly passionate about nurturing young musicians. While Feller is a pillar of his San Francisco community, he is also active with the international string instrument community as a member of the American Federation of Violin and Bow Makers and the Entente Internationale des Maîtres Luthiers et Archetiers d’Art.

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