Dolce Violins


Émile François Ouchard (1872-1951)

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Émile François Ouchard, also known as “Ouchard père,” set a high standard for twentieth century bow-making in Mirecourt, France. He apprenticed under Eugène Cuniot-Hury, and he assumed responsibility for the atelier after Cuniot’s death in 1910. Ouchard ran the Cuniot-Hury firm for thirteen years before establishing his own workshop in 1923, although he retained the Cuniot-Hury brand. The Ouchard atelier proved successful, eventually expanding to employ fifteen archetiers.

Ouchard’s son, Émile Auguste, showed a strong talent for bow-making and began assisting his father; he would go on to start his own Paris workshop. Their partnership produced some of the Ouchard firm’s finest bows. In addition to his son, Ouchard went on to mentor the next generation of French archetiers, including Louis Brugère, François Lotte, and Raymond and André Richaume.

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