Dolce Violins

Full Description

Paolo Fiorini was a fictitious name given to violins made by the Ernst Heinrich Roth company of Markneukirchen for Beares of London in the early 20th century. The model chosen by Beares is nearly identical to the Ernst Heinrich Roth VR violins. The characteristic feature is a beautiful one piece back of slab cut maple. This is a particularly fine example and has been meticulously setup by our luthiers and is in near mint condition.

This Markneukirchen violin displays craftsmanship of the highest quality, the single piece back of quilted maple shines through the rich amber varnish  The scroll is elegant and delicate and the fluting of the F holes is beautifully done.

  • Year Made – 1926 Markneuchirken
  • Labeled – copie Paulo Fiorini, Taurini B&S no. 16 Faciebat 1926
  • Length of Back – (361 mm) 
  • Condition – Excellent




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