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When to change your violin or viola strings?

As most of you know, strings don’t retain their sound quality indefinitely. Eventually, they will start to wear and deteriorate and you’ll need to replace them with a fresh set. Yes, your ears may adjust to the sound of your strings as they wear and you may not notice the gradual degradation of the tone, but once you replace them, your ears will perk up at the improved tone quality. Typically, if you’re playing your instrument on a regular basis, we advise that you change your strings every 3-6 months. If you only play infrequently, it’s possible that your strings will last up to a year. If you can’t recall the last time you replaced your strings, you’re likely ready for a fresh set. NOTE: If you are prone to sweat when you play, you may need to change your strings more frequently than advised, above. What are the telltale signs that your strings are in need of replacement?

Here are a few to monitor:

 The sound is getting progressively duller.

 Your instrument needs to be retuned more frequently.
 The appearance is dirty or grimy.

 The ability to sustain a pitch is increasingly compromised.
String Maintenance Suggestions Once you put on a new set of strings, we encourage you to get in the habit of practicing these maintenance steps to extend the life of your strings and keep them sounding their best: After every time you play, be sure to wipe your strings with a clean cloth. To minimize rosin build-up, make sure to clean underneath the strings between the bridge and the fingerboard.
When it’s time to change your strings, come in and see us and we’ll recommend a set that suits your preferences, skill level and budget. When bringing your instrument in to have the strings replaced, the luthiers at Dolce Violins will make sure your instrument is in good adjustment and can make recommendations to keep your instrument in peak condition and sounding its best.